
TRINet Newsletter April 2011

Good morning


The Twin Disaster in Japan

Paresh Nath The Khaleej Times UAE

TRINet Newsletter March 2011

Good morningFriends,

Is the Ocean turning into a Plastic Soup?

Oceanic gyres

TRINet Newsletter 01 February 2011


Sea safety kit for small boat fishermen - origins and invention history

The sea safety kit for small boat fishermen, put together at SIFFS as part of its sea safety initiatives, has been adopted by two states - Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Most of the equipment in the kit is common sense, like the first aid kit, jack knife, drinking water for emergencies, battery powered lights for navigating at night and signalling but some of them have an invention history that goes as far back as 405 BC . Here are the histories of 8 pieces of safety, survival and rescue equipment recommended for use by fishermen in Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Milk collective in Nagai – BEDROC sets the pace for resilience among coastal communities

Nagapattinam is a cattle friendly, paddy growing area with an immense potential for organizing dairy collectives and developing a vibrant dairy industry. It lacks centralized support structures like access to organized milk markets, veterinary care and access to feed and fodder. Most of the milk produced is consumed locally and/or bought by private agents at Rs.12 to 14 per liter and sold at Rs.18 to 26. Most milk producers are small farmers with one or two low-yielding cows leading to a dependency on private milk collectors due to the negative economy of scale.

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