Hope revives for the tiger in India

NEW DELHI: There is reason for tiger enthusiasts to celebrate: India's wild tiger population has grown 12 per cent in the last four years.

According to the 2010 tiger census, whose results were declared on Monday, there are approximately 1,706 of the big cats in the country, which includes about 70 in the marshes of the Sunderbans, which have never been scientifically surveyed before. The 2006 census had estimated that there were 1,411 tigers, without including any from the Sunderbans.

INDIA: Green Schemes Turn Into White Elephants

BANGALORE, Mar 17, 2011 (IPS) - Several incinerator facilities that were supposed to turn waste into energy have proven to be white elephants that are now adding to the country’s pollution woes, instead of alleviating them.

"Massive waste-to-energy plant subsidies are ruining the waste management field in India," said Almitra Patel, a civil engineer from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston. "Companies are now using these subsidies to set up plants that fail."

India: Court Challenges Dubious Environmental Impact Reports

NEW DELHI, Mar 11, 2011 (IPS) - India’s Supreme Court has questioned clearances to industries on the basis of environment impact assessments (EIAs) carried out by private consultants in the pay of project proponents.

A special bench of the court led by Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia, that is hearing a petition challenging approvals granted to the French company Lafarge to mine limestone, likened the practice to "paying the piper to call the tune."

TRINet Newsletter April 2011

Good morning


The Twin Disaster in Japan

Paresh Nath The Khaleej Times UAE

TRINet Newsletter March 2011

Good morningFriends,

Is the Ocean turning into a Plastic Soup?

Oceanic gyres

TRINet Newsletter 01 February 2011


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