
Building and Enabling Disaster Resilience of Coastal Communities (BEDROC) is the successor to the Nagapattinam NGO Co-ordination and Resource Centre (NCRC), the very successful multi-stakeholder co-ordination and programme mplementation platform set up after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.

Annual Report of Bedroc Child Development Project - 4126 (

BEDROC-ANNUAL REPORT-FY17 part1.pdf822.74 KB
BEDROC-ANNUAL REPORT-FY17 part2.pdf963.79 KB
BEDROC-ANNUAL REPORT-FY17 part3.pdf908.15 KB
BEDROC-ANNUAL REPORT-FY17 part4.pdf787.45 KB

News & Events

 NAGAPATTINAM/KARAIKAL: The annual 45-day ban on fishing in Nagapattinam and Karaikal coastal areas will commence from April 15. The...

NAGAPATTINAM  05th April 2013 08:20 AM: The production of salt at the Vedaranyam pans have begun belatedly this year due to the unseasonal...

New Delhi, February 5, 2013 : With a view to assessing Tamil Nadu’s claim on the condition of the standing crops, the Supreme Court on Monday...

Cyclone Thane Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

About us:

BEDROC helps build disaster-resilient, sustainable coastal communities. We evolve appropriate interventions for various local problems by working with communities and organisations at grassroots level, and with external communities like research institutions, higher government bodies, universities and technology providers.We create community-based and community-owned mechanisms for enhanced disaster response, mitigation...