
  •  Leverage experiences of the 2004 Asian tsunami to create community-based, community-owned mechanisms for enhanced disaster response, mitigation and preparedness for coastal communities. 
  • Explore models and run pilots for the creation of community-based mechanisms for enhancement of community resilience in terms of livelihoods, disaster preparedness and information support; and where possible, replicate, up-scale and mainstream these for the benefit of communities.

Hyogo Framework

The World Conference on Disaster Reduction held from 18 to 22 January 2005 in Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, adopted a framework, generally referred to as the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters. It emphasized the need for, and identified ways of, building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters.

According to the Hyogo Framework, the five main thematic areas relating to resilience and disaster risk reduction (DRR) are: 

  1. Governance

Other interventions

Right To Information (RTI):
As a part of the Local Administration led Awareness Programme on RTI, BEDROC was the NGO responsible for carrying this awareness building programme in all 11 blocks of Nagapattinam.

Capacity Building

BEDROC provides assistance to communities and grass root organisations which have a need to develop a certain skill or competence, or for general upgrading of their performance abilities.

Knowledge Management

BEDROC's knowledge management comprises of a range of strategies and practices used to identify, create, represent, distribute and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise of knowledge, either embodied in individuals, communities or embedded in organizational processes or practices.


Resilience is also a function of reducing livelihood shocks. Decreasing of livelihood based vulnerability can be achieved through ensuring stable incomes or by spreading the risk through multiple sources of income generation.
Agriculture and fisheries are major livelihoods in Nagapattinam with agriculture dominating. Since a majority of the population in Nagapattinam is, either directly or indirectly, dependant on agriculture, BEDROC chose to strengthen this traditional livelihood.

Participatory Water Resource Management

In an attempt to understand the vulnerabilities of the agrarian sector of Nagapattinam District, a study was done in late 2006. Interestingly, this study revealed that a majority of the disasters and subsequent losses faced by the long suffering agrarian communities here were not as much due to the hydro-meteorological conditions as due to the poor status of the 14 river systems running through the district before draining out into the Bay of Bengal.

Disaster Management

The National Disaster Management Authority of India seeks to build a safer and disaster resilient India by developing a holistic, pro-active, multi-disaster and technology-driven strategy for disaster management through collective efforts of all government and non-governmental organisations.

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