The Oxfam-BEDROC study "Building Local Capacities for Disaster Response and Risk Reduction" attempts to assess perceptions of coastal communities on disasters, aid, and changes to their own response capacity & community resilience subsequent to the 2004 tsunami. The analysis was done with reference to the Hyogo Framework of ActionAid's five thematic areas for disaster resilience. The full report can be downloaded here. <link for download>
Developing a Village Action plan (Wash Plan) for Tharangambadi Village - for Initiatives In Development Support C. S. Pvt. Ltd (IIDS), Patna; Conducting field investigations related to study Rapid Assessment of Coastal Salinity in Tamilnadu - for Coastal Salinity Prevention Cell (CSPC), Ahmedabad; FCFC study on Impact of Climate Change on Communities Living in the Coastal Areas for Palmyrah Workers Development Society (PWDS), Madurai; Asian Development Bank feasibility study on Common Service Centres; Swiss Red Cross (SRC) Community based WASH/ Water Security plans.